Nascida e criada em Portugal. Já morei na Polónia, no Brasil, na República Checa e agora é a Suécia que me acolhe.
O meu blogue, tal como o meu cérebro, é uma mistura de línguas. Bem vindos!

Born and raised Portuguese. I have lived in Poland, Brazil, Czech Republic and now I'm in the beautiful Sweden.
My blog, just like my brain, is a blend of languages. Welcome!

sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2016

Easter in Sweden

Easter is a holiday that I have somehow celebrated less and less in the past years. Some years I was alone in some distant country and some other years we took the chance to travel. Now that I think about it, even in the years I went home to Portugal for Easter we didn't have anything too traditional. We made a special lunch on Sunday and I got a chocolate cake from my godparents (that I still get the following time I go home after Easter). 

This was the first time I spent Easter in Sweden. Here both the Friday before and the Monday after are holidays, so it was a nice relaxed 4 day weekend. We spent most days reading, making puzzles, eating and drinking. There was also some running and walking, and of course... for candy.

A Páscoa é um evento que tenho festejado cada vez menos nos últimos anos. Houve anos que estava longe e sozinha, houve anos que aproveitamos para ir viajar. Agora que penso nisso, mesmo nos anos em que passei a Páscoa em Portugal nunca fizemos grandes festejos. Talvez um almoço um pouco mais especial no Domingo e recebi sempre um bolo de chocolate dos meus padrinhos (que fica para mais tarde quando não vou a casa na Páscoa).

Este foi o primeiro ano que passei a Páscoa na Suécia. Aqui é feriado na sexta feira santa e na segunda feira seguinte também, o que faz um bom fim de semana de 4 dias. Passámos os dias a ler, a fazer puzzles, a comer e a beber. Também houve tempo para correr ou caminhar e claro... para comer gomas. 

The fairy tales puzzle / O puzzle dos contos infantis

The birthday party puzzle / O puzzle da festa de aniversário

It was the first time we tried this kind of puzzles and I have to say they are a lot of fun, because they are full of funny small details.
Foi a primeira vez que experimentamos este tipo de puzzles e ficamos convencidos, porque estão cheios de detalhes engraçados. 

The deal with the candy is:
A tradição das gomas é:

1- Go to the shop and fill up a bag with your favourite and pay according to how much it weighs.
      Ir à loja das gomas, encher um saquinho com as preferidas e pagar consoante o peso.

2- Transfer the candy into a colourful Easter egg, lined with half of a napkin.
      Transferir as gomas para um ovo de Páscoa colorido, forrado com meio guardanapo de papel.

Chocolate candy is also available in the shop.
Na loja também se podem comprar chocolates.

3- Keep your egg around at all times and happily eat candy the whole day.
      Mantenha o seu ovo por perto e vá comendo as gomas alegremente durante o dia todo. 

Similarly to Christmas, swedes celebrate Easter on the eve, therefore on Saturday. Traditions can change a bit from family to family, and what I'm about to show is how I had it. During the afternoon we ate candy. Very thoughtfully, Johan's parents got me an egg full of nuts because they knew I am not a big fan of candy (I think the nuts might become a new tradition).

À semelhança do Natal, os suecos festejam a Páscoa na noite anterior, ou seja no Sábado. As tradições podem mudar um pouco de familia para familia e aqui vou falar de como foi a minha Páscoa. Durante a tarde comemos gomas. Os pais do Johan foram super fofos e deram-me um ovo de Páscoa com frutos secos, por saberem que eu não sou grande fã de gomas (é possível que os frutos secos passem a ser uma nova tradição). 

Dinner was a great combination of mostly fish dishes. Well, it was mostly herring, a pickled fish, prepared in different sauces (in the pictures above they are the ones in the fish-shaped plates). There was also some smoked salmon, a salmon and spinach pie, eggs and ham. I added a tuna pate, which seemed to fit in the theme and a tapenade. Obviously, there was some alcohol with all this, such as beer, wine and the famous schnaps (a strong alcohol drunk in shot glasses). We were all quite full and we had to wait a couple of hours to eat dessert.

I had a lot of fun during the Easter break and I hope you had too!

O jantar foi uma combinação de pequenos pratos de peixe. A maioria era de arenque em pickles servido em diferentes molhos (nas fotos são os que estão em pratos com forma de peixe). Também comemos salmão fumado e tarte de salmão e espinafres, ovos e fiambre. Eu fiz paté de atum, que me pareceu combinar com o tema, e tapenade. Claro que houve álcool à mistura: vinho, cerveja e schnaps (um destilado bebido em copos de shot). Ficamos todos muito cheios e acabámos por comer a sobremesa só mais tarde.

Eu diverti-me imenso durante esta mini férias da Páscoa e espero que vocês também!

2 comentários:

  1. What a lovely celebration! The food looks delicious! Pickled fish is also traditional in South Africa! We also have a 4-day weekend. But many people use this time to go to the coast! Have a beautiful weekend!

    1. Thanks Jandi! I had no idea pickled fish was also traditional there! Here is also quite common to go away for Easter. It's not always that one has a 4 day weekend. I hope yours was also a good one.


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