Nascida e criada em Portugal. Já morei na Polónia, no Brasil, na República Checa e agora é a Suécia que me acolhe.
O meu blogue, tal como o meu cérebro, é uma mistura de línguas. Bem vindos!

Born and raised Portuguese. I have lived in Poland, Brazil, Czech Republic and now I'm in the beautiful Sweden.
My blog, just like my brain, is a blend of languages. Welcome!

domingo, 26 de junho de 2016

Malmö - Sweden

Malmö is the third biggest city in Sweden, located near the southern tip of Sweden and quite close to the capital city of Denmark, Copenhagen. Malmö is the closest Swedish city from the Øresund Bridge, the famous bridge that connects both countries, and near Sweden becomes a tunnel. It is also where Johan's brother lives and he was our host for the weekend. This time there were no crazy hiking adventures in the mountains but we had just as much fun exploring Malmö all together.

Malmö é a terceira maior cidade sueca, situada na parte sul da Suécia e perto de Copenhaga, a capital dinamarquesa. Malmö é também a cidade mais próxima da famosa ponte de Øresund, aquele que liga os dois países e que do lado sueco se torna um túnel. O irmão do Johan mora em Malmö e foi ele o nosso guia no fim de semana. Desta vez não houve grandes aventuras e caminhadas nas montanhas mas divertimo-nos na mesma a explorar a cidade todos juntos. 


Lilla Torg, a nice small square full of restaurants / Lilla Torg, uma praça cheia de restaurantes

Gustav Adolfs Torg

Caroli kyrka

Sankt Petri kyrka

Sankt Pauli kyrka

Malmö's synagogue

A huge skatepark just right next to the most iconic building in Malmö - the Turning Torso.
Uma pista para skates gigante, mesmo ao pé do edifício mais emblemático em Malmö - O Turning Torso (Torso Torcido?!)

Turning Torso from different angles / Turning Torso de ângulos diferentes

The Turning Torso is described as a neo futuristic residential skyscraper and is the tallest building in Scandinavia (190 m). It was designed by Santiago Calatrava, a Spanish artist and architect, and it was inspired by one of his sculpture entitled Twisting Torso. It's a very interesting building and I can only imagine the view one can get from the upper floors, o ver the city and over the sea.

Turning Torso é descrito como um arranha céus residencial neo futurístico e é o edifício mais alto da Escandinávia (190 m). Foi desenhado por Santiago Calatrava, um arquitecto e artista Espanhol, que se inspirou numa das suas esculturas chamada de Twisting Torso. É um edifício muito interessante e imagino a vista maravilhosa que não devem ter os andares mais altos, sobre a cidade e sobre o mar. 

Riberborg's park

Riberborg's bathing house


Malmö's Castle (red brick building) / Castelo de Malmö (edifício vermelho)

Sankt Johannes kyrka


The highest hills in Malmö... / As maiores colinas de Malmö...

A field of white flowers that makes it look like snow / Um campo de flores brancas que parecem neve


A chocolate factory turned into a beer factory and pub. We finished off our day with a beer tasting. It was not good. There's really no way around it, because none of the five beers we tasted were good. Maybe we were tired or it was a bad day for beer.

Uma fábrica de chocolate que se tornou numa fábrica de cerveja e num bar. Foi aqui que acabamos o nosso passeio. Não foi bom. Não há outro modo de o dizer, porque das 5 cervejas que provamos nenhuma era boa. Se calhar estávamos cansados ou era um mau dia para cerveja.

After the beer we went home, because although there was no hike we still walked a lot all over the city. Then, we had some ice cream and chatted for the rest of the evening. How nice!

Depois da cerveja fomos para casa, porque andamos muito e pela cidade toda. Já em casa comemos gelado e conversamos o resto do serão. Tão bom!

4 comentários:

  1. The turning torso is quite an interesting building. Lovely photos of Malmo. I was trying to picture what we saw many years ago but can't really remember!
    It was a time when I didn't take many photos either...
    I like those apartments by the sea and the Malmo hills.

    1. Thanks Sami! According to the Swedes I know, Malmö has changed quite a lot in the last 10 years, especially near the sea, where the turning torso is. I wouldn't mind having one of those apartments either ;)

  2. it looks so beautiful! Sweden looks like a wonderful place to live!

  3. I agree! Both that it's beautiful and that it is a wonderful place to live :)


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