For two weeks I had the olympics for company. All the time I was home I had the TV on. I watched golf and wrestling for the first time ever. I watched diving and water polo for the first time in four years. I watched, mesmerised, the best gymnasts in the world do their thing. I supported the underdogs in table tennis, tennis, basketball, handball and in other sports. I supported Portuguese athletes. I supported Swedish athletes. I supported other athletes. I admire their effort and their fair play. I enjoy reading about the stories of the olympics. Like the boy who 8 years after taken a picture with his idol, beat him in the pool. Or the girl who stumbled, lost her shoe and ran her race barefoot. Or the man who after beating cancer, trained hard and got a gold medal. Or the girls who got engaged right there, in front of the whole world. That's what the olympics are all about. It's not (only) about the medals or who wins and who loses. It's about the tears of happiness. It's about the tears of disappointment. It's about persistence, motivation and willingness. It's about fair play. It's about peace.
And that's why I will miss the olympics, as I always do.
207 weeks waiting.
2 weeks enjoying.
Durante 2 semanas tive os jogos olímpicos como companhia. Sempre que estava em casa a TV estava ligada. Vi golfe e luta greco-romana pela primeira vez na vida. Vi mergulhos para a piscina e polo aquático pela primeira vez em quatro anos. Vi, pasmada, os melhores ginastas do mundo a fazer aquilo que melhor sabem. Apoiem os mais fracos em pingue pongue, ténis, basquetebol, andebol e em outros desportos. Apoiei atletas portugueses. Apoiei atletas suecos. Apoiei outros atletas. Admirei o seu esforço e fair play. Adorei ler sobre as suas histórias. Como a do rapaz que oito anos depois de ter tirado uma foto com o seu ídolo, o bateu na piscina. Ou a rapariga que tropeçou, ficou sem um sapato e fez o resto da corrida descalça. Ou o homem que depois de bater o cancro, treinou que nem um louco e ganhou uma medalha de ouro. Ou a das raparigas que ficaram noivas ali mesmo, em frente ao mundo inteiro. É sobre tudo isto que são os jogos olímpicos. Não são (só) sobre medalhas, quem ganha e quem perde. São sobre lágrimas de alegria. São sobre lágrimas de frustração. São sobre persistência, motivação e força de vontade. São sobre fair play. São sobre paz.
E é por tudo isto que eu vou sentir saudades dos jogos olímpicos, como sempre sinto.
207 semanas à espera.
2 semanas a aproveitar.
I am exhausted from watching the Olympics. My sleeping patterns were turned upside down. The highs and lows have had my heart racing and now it's over. Time to get back on the social circle once again. I'm pleased I am not the only one obsessed by this event. Maybe it is just as well it only happens every four years.
ResponderEliminarThanks Fun60! I'm also happy to know I'm not the only one! If it would happen all the time it wouldn't be special, therefore not fun to be obsessed by it anymore.
EliminarI didn't see much due to the time differences, but really enjoyed watching the swimming, diving, gymnastics, athletics.
EliminarI really love the spirit, the highs and lows and the friendships the athletes must forge with competitors from all over the world. Must be amazing!
Here there was also a lot of stuff happening during the night, but they showed it on TV in the morning, when it was night in Brazil, so it was easy.
EliminarThe spirit is the best!