Nascida e criada em Portugal. Já morei na Polónia, no Brasil, na República Checa e agora é a Suécia que me acolhe.
O meu blogue, tal como o meu cérebro, é uma mistura de línguas. Bem vindos!

Born and raised Portuguese. I have lived in Poland, Brazil, Czech Republic and now I'm in the beautiful Sweden.
My blog, just like my brain, is a blend of languages. Welcome!

terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2018

Family in Sweden - Day 2

After a very cold and grey start, the second day presented us with much better weather. It was still cold but not as much and the sun was shinning, so it was a great improvement. We had plans to explore the west coast north of Gothenburg and we went to Fjällbacka (I wrote about it here as well).

Depois de um primeiro dia muito frio e cinzento, o segundo dia apresentou-se com tempo muito melhor. Ainda estava frio, mas não tanto e o sol brilhava o que foi uma grande melhora. Tínhamos planos para explorar a costa oeste, a norte de Gotemburgo, e fomos a Fjällbacka (já escrevi antes sobre isso aqui).

We parked the car near Fjällbacka's church, which was then the first thing we visited. 
Estacionamos o carro ao pé da igreja de Fjällbacka, que foi a primeira coisa que visitamos. 

Afterwards we went up the King's cliff because the view from up there is well worth the climb. This time, however, the challenge was bigger as the path up was in the shadow and the ice had not melt yet. At the same time that made it more interesting to our visitors not used to such big pieces of ice or to frozen waterfalls. 
Depois subimos à falésia do Rei porque a vista lá de cima vale bem o esforço. Desta vez o desafio foi maior, pois o trilho estava na sombra e o gelo ainda não tinha derretido. Isso tornou ao mesmo tempo a caminhada mais interessante para os nossos visitantes que não estão habituados a tais pedaços de gelo ou a cascatas congeladas.

Carefully and happily we all made it to the top and were rewarded with this view, over the sea and the islands. 
Cuidadosa e alegremente todos chegamos ao cimo e a recompensa foi esta vista sobre o mar e as ilhas.

On top of the cliff the lakes were still frozen and we could walk on them.
No cimo os lagos ainda estavam congelados e pudemos andar sobre eles. 

Descending from the other side / Na descida pelo outro lado 

For lunch we made a picnic on the small port overlooking the village. We had a traditional swedish picnic with smoked salmon, boiled eggs, flat bread, and soft cheese with shrimp flavour (a classic, it comes in a container like tooth paste). 
Para o almoço fizemos um piquenique no pequeno porto ao pé da vila. O piquenique foi de estilo sueco tradicional com salmão fumado, ovos cozidos, pão fino e queijo creme com sabor de camarão (um clássico, vem numa bisnaga como a pasta de dentes).

We continued the trip by going to Bovallstrand, another fishing village with cute white or red houses by the water. The wind was blowing strong by then and some very dark grey clouds were heading our way. We still made a quick visit around but kept our hands in our pockets, so I don't have many pictures. 
Continuamos a viagem e fomos até Bovallstrand, uma outra vila de pescadores com as típicas casas brancas ou vermelhas junto à água. Nesta altura o vento soprava forte e havia umas nuvens muito escuras a vir na nossa direcção. Ainda demos uma volta pela vila, mas mantivemos as mãos nos bolsos, e não tenho muitas fotos.

We headed back home leaving the clouds behind and went up to the closest lake to home. The lake was completely frozen as well, and we had fun walking on it, watching the sunset and taking pictures. 
Voltamos para casa deixando as nuvens para trás e fomos até o lago mais próximo de casa. O lago estava completamente congelado e divertimo-nos a andar sobre o gelo, a ver o pôr do sol e a tirar fotos.

My sister and boyfriend / A minha irmã e o namorado

My dad stuck his hand in a hole in the ice and measured its thickness.
O meu pai depois de meter a mão num buraco de gelo para medir a sua grossura. 

 No diving... / No mergulhe...

Sunset on ice is always a nice way to finish off the day.
Um pôr do sol sobre gelo é sempre uma boa maneira de acabar o dia.

4 comentários:

  1. The view from the top looked amazing. I don't know how you managed to keep your balance on that much ice.

    1. It was not icy everywhere and we could grab stones around, that's how :)

  2. The climb to the top was worth the view, but it must have been scary to climb icy steps.
    I see you had a Swedish picnic but with a Portuguese tablecloth. I remember in Germany they also had that sort of cheese in a tube.
    Beautiful villages indeed and lovely photos Sara.

    1. Thanks Sami, I'm glad you enjoyed my photos!
      It wasn't scary, just very slow and it ended up being funny. I had gotten the tablecloth as a gift the previous day and it was perfect to bring on our picnic.


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