Nascida e criada em Portugal. Já morei na Polónia, no Brasil, na República Checa e agora é a Suécia que me acolhe.
O meu blogue, tal como o meu cérebro, é uma mistura de línguas. Bem vindos!

Born and raised Portuguese. I have lived in Poland, Brazil, Czech Republic and now I'm in the beautiful Sweden.
My blog, just like my brain, is a blend of languages. Welcome!

terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2019

Beer, whiskey and art

Spring is here and we have been blessed with sunny, although still cold, beautiful days. The return of longer days is always very welcome in Sweden and a lot of things start to happen a bit everywhere. Last weekend was a good proof of that. 

On Saturday we went to the beer and whiskey fair - OK, we spent a sunny day in a dark warehouse, but it was worth it. The fair was like any other fair, with loads of stalls showing off their best products, mostly beer and whiskey, but also cider, rum, gin, and other less known things. We got two glasses each, one for beer one for whiskey, and went around tasting different drinks, that cost from 1 to 4 euros (beer) or 4 to 12 euros (whiskey). Although we would only get a small amount to taste, there were really a lot of stalls and we couldn't taste them all, but it was the perfect opportunity to taste different things. 

We also participated in a new Guinness World record of the number of people tasting whiskey, with 2500 people tasting 3 whiskeys simultaneously. The whiskey lovers approved the whiskeys we tasted and said they were good (I tried but it's really not my thing), especially the last one in the tallest bottle. I'm not so surprised as a bottle costs almost €200!!

On Sunday we went to the "walk of art" in Majorna, the artsy part of Gothenburg. Once a year the artists open their ateliers to the public and show off not only their pieces but their workspaces as well. That's actually my favourite part, to see how and where they work. Some artists need organization and structure, while some work clearly better in chaos. I also enjoy seeing the pieces of art not in a museum-like atmosphere, but in a more realistic way. 

Left and middle photos are nice displays, whilst the right photo has a bit of behind the scenes.  

Left: Hammers ad pressing machine? What does the artist do? Delicate jewellery...
Middle: we didn't understand if the hanging sofa with the wine bottle was an art display or just a place for the artist to rest.
Right: Art with leftover materials?

Organised and inspiring spaces. At least once a year.  

Some nice pieces. 

There was a bit of everything, from paintings, sculptures, ceramics, bronze, fabrics, etc. The highlight for me was an artist who decided to paint paper coffee mugs with coffee. Pictures were not allowed, but you can trust me that the mugs were beautifully painted with well-known images, like Einstein, Martin Luther King, Frida Khalo, among others. Very creative and well executed. 

After so much art we got hungry and settle for a nice snack in a sunny cafe by the river, watching the boats go by, including one giant ferry that always makes us nervous because it feels like it's not going to fit under the bridge. But it always does.

How was your weekend? 

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