Nascida e criada em Portugal. Já morei na Polónia, no Brasil, na República Checa e agora é a Suécia que me acolhe.
O meu blogue, tal como o meu cérebro, é uma mistura de línguas. Bem vindos!

Born and raised Portuguese. I have lived in Poland, Brazil, Czech Republic and now I'm in the beautiful Sweden.
My blog, just like my brain, is a blend of languages. Welcome!

quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2015

Easy rules to improve life

I'm doing pretty well, how are you doing in life?

4 comentários:

  1. I seem to be failing on a few of those but then I never drink coffee or sleep longer than 6 hours!

    1. I also don't drink coffee, but maybe tea makes up for it.

  2. I had to laugh! Actually it's the only thing that I do a lot of from this list !!
    But I do think I have a great life and I'm very, very healthy!

    1. Mente sã, corpo são...
      As long as you are happy and feel good, it doesn't really matter how you achieve it.


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