Nascida e criada em Portugal. Já morei na Polónia, no Brasil, na República Checa e agora é a Suécia que me acolhe.
O meu blogue, tal como o meu cérebro, é uma mistura de línguas. Bem vindos!

Born and raised Portuguese. I have lived in Poland, Brazil, Czech Republic and now I'm in the beautiful Sweden.
My blog, just like my brain, is a blend of languages. Welcome!

sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2017

The Newbie - Swedish supermarkets

I have a thing for supermarkets. Don't ask... When I was small I liked to play supermarket, saving a lot of boxes and packages, and as an adult is a place that makes me happy. I enjoy learning more about a country through its supermarkets and in my trips I always visit local shops. That doesn't mean I spend hours in the supermarket here. Quite the opposite actually. On a regular basis I like to get through my shopping list as soon as possible and I do that by learning where my favourites thing are in "my" supermarket. However, now and then, I enjoy taking the time and explore new shops or even unusual shelves (those I go seldom to).

I think a supermarket says a lot about the lifestyle and culture of a country and my latest post on the Newbie Guide to Sweden is exactly about that. You can read my post here.

Picture I made for my Swedish class, in which I also wrote about supermarkets

Tenho um fascínio por supermercados. Não me perguntem porquê... Quando era pequena gostava de brincar aos supermercados, com caixas e pacotes que guardava, e em adulta é um lugar que me faz feliz. Gosto de aprender mais sobre um determinado país através dos seus supermercados e quando viajo faço sempre uma visita às lojas locais. Isso não significa que eu passo horas no supermercado, antes pelo contrário. No dia a dia gosto de ser rápida e despacho a minha lista de compras num instante. Faço isso porque gosto de aprender o sítio das minhas coisas favoritas no "meu" supermercado. Ainda assim, às vezes, gosto de me demorar e explorar novos supermercados ou até mesmo prateleiras mais incomuns, aquelas onde quase nunca vou.

Eu acho que um supermercado diz muito sobre o estilo de vida e cultura de um país e foi sobre isso mesmo que escrevi no Newbie Guide to Sweden. Podem ler o meu post aqui.

2 comentários:

  1. Interesting article Sara. Never heard of anyone fascinated by supermarkets.
    I used to love going to shopping centres and just looking around at the shop's windows, no I actually avoid big shopping centres and try to go to the smallest I can so that I don't waste time. And supermarket shopping has never been on my "like to do" list either. Glad we're not all alike!

    1. I know what you mean. I still enjoy going to a shopping center with my sister, for instance, but only if it's not crowded and not insanely big.
      It is good that we all like different things!


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