Nascida e criada em Portugal. Já morei na Polónia, no Brasil, na República Checa e agora é a Suécia que me acolhe.
O meu blogue, tal como o meu cérebro, é uma mistura de línguas. Bem vindos!

Born and raised Portuguese. I have lived in Poland, Brazil, Czech Republic and now I'm in the beautiful Sweden.
My blog, just like my brain, is a blend of languages. Welcome!

sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2019

Enjoying pre-summer and summer

June was a crazy month. Crazy in a good way, because nearly every weekend in June was a long weekend. Most Swedish holidays are in the spring/summer but this year a couple of them fell next to each other, making June a much deserved shorter month. On the other hand, having 3-day working weeks was tough and intense, but I made up for it with a few nice trips.


The first weekend we went to Jönköping, a city nearby where I had never been to before. We spent the second weekend in Stockholm, which was also a lot of fun. After that me and Johan part ways, me to Barcelona where I met my sister, while he went to Rome with his brother. The weekend after I went to the Norwegian mountains with some colleagues from work. And puff... it was July!


As you might imagine I have loads of pictures to load, select and publish but I won't manage to do it just yet because today I start my summer vacation!! We are packing our bags and will soon leave for a 10-day cycling trip in Sweden and Denmark.


That's the Swedish life - one has to enjoy while the weather is good and the days are long. Computer time is left for the winter when the thermometer shows negative numbers.


I hope you are enjoying your summer or winter if you are on the other side :)

See you soon!

3 comentários:

  1. Good to hear from you. You have obviously made the most of your weekends. Look forward to seeing more photos of these fabulous places.

  2. Nice to see you back Sara, but you're off again soon. Enjoy your Summer holidays.

    1. Hi Sami! Now I'm back for good! I will update the blog-writing and blog-reading soon :)


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