Nascida e criada em Portugal. Já morei na Polónia, no Brasil, na República Checa e agora é a Suécia que me acolhe.
O meu blogue, tal como o meu cérebro, é uma mistura de línguas. Bem vindos!

Born and raised Portuguese. I have lived in Poland, Brazil, Czech Republic and now I'm in the beautiful Sweden.
My blog, just like my brain, is a blend of languages. Welcome!

sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2021

Advent posting - day 3 - Winter wonderland

Winter will always be a special season for me, no matter how many years I'll live in Sweden. When the first snow falls it's special and it will always be. 

This year we got the first snow at the end of November and we still have loads of it. Snow this early in the winter is actually not that common in Gothenburg. We are more used to rain and wind storms. The temperatures have also been below zero, but not too much, which means that the snow is still snow and not ice - important detail to walk and run outdoors. 

When I work from home (2 days a week), I usually take a morning walk and go down to the lake. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to catch the sun rising and it's always beautiful. It is not less beautiful to run through the forest along the lake at lunchtime, when the light hits the snow and it gets so bright my eyes hurt. 

It's easy to get stuck at home and complain about the darkness of winter when it's cold outside, but the truth is, it all gets better, easier, and more joyful when we spend time outside. Good clothes in the right amount make it possible to be outdoors. 

Winter is to be enjoyed, not survived. 

Look at these pictures I've been taking this week. Isn't it beautiful?

Tea behind the window: chai charge

Oreo behind the window: chocolate hazelnut candy bar

Running: 40 minutes (window 8)

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