Nascida e criada em Portugal. Já morei na Polónia, no Brasil, na República Checa e agora é a Suécia que me acolhe.
O meu blogue, tal como o meu cérebro, é uma mistura de línguas. Bem vindos!

Born and raised Portuguese. I have lived in Poland, Brazil, Czech Republic and now I'm in the beautiful Sweden.
My blog, just like my brain, is a blend of languages. Welcome!

Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta dreams. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta dreams. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2021

Happy 2021!

Imagine you had a jacket with two pockets, that you use now and then. With time you learn what to put in which pocket so that you make use of them the best way. It works and you are happy and content. Now imagine that every winter, ou stopped using a jacket at all, because besides your wallet, phone and keys you also need space for your gloves, hat and umbrella. Instead of buying another jacket or finding a way to get more space for your winter things, you simply chose to not go out at all and avoid the problem. Now imagine that one day someone told you to look inside of your jacket. You did and found 5 more pockets there, of different sizes, some with zippers, some with special details and you get excited and try them all, and every time you find new and better possibilities. After a while, it seems basically impossible that you hadn't seen them before and you don't even understand how you could have missed that whole side of something that felt so known and comfortable before. 

That's how I feel. About running.

I have been running now for nearly 11 years. I was happy and content. Did basically only asphalt running and some races now and then. The more I trained the more my times became (big surprise...), but every winter I stopped running (or reduced it to 1 or 2 times a week) because it was cold and dark and who runs then anyway. Now and then I heard of other people doing mountain running and trail running, and how cool it was but somehow never thought it was for me. But then I moved to the forest (not to an actual forest, but a neighbourhood not far from one). And I found a whole new side of running, full of lite pockets here and there. I had moved here thinking I would use the broad marked paths to run, but got bored of them pretty quickly, especially due to the numerous other options around. 

This is how 2020 became a year of new things. 

This is how I became a forest freak. 


Gettings lost in small trails was my favourite summer thing. That and exploring new areas, new trails, new lakes, new challenges (like crawling under a giant tree that had fallen on the trail or climbing a rock to get to the other side). Then came the fall and with it the dark evenings and the wet and muddy trails and I slowly embraced them. With the right clothes, shoes and equipment nothing is too wet or too dark and mud washes off with water and soap. Now that I had fallen in love with running all over again I was just not going to stop because of the weather. Afterwards came winter and its snowy days, and after having survived months of rain and darkness I was just not stopping now either. And so it became that I started 2021 by doing something so new and so old at the same time. Running on snow!

Looking back I don't think it was a mistake to stop before. I just didn't see running the way I see now - as a part of my life and of who I am. Oh... and of course all this joy has made me go out the door more often, run longer than ever (although I'm less tired than before) and I ended up improving my personal bests. Quite a nice side effect :)

This is exactly what I want to bring to 2021. Find new within the old. Find challenges within the comfortable. Accept. Adapt. Learn. Try. Live. And have fun, at least a lit bit every day but hopefully much more than that. 

Let's all do that! 

Happy 2021!

segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2016

Dreams outside the cookie jar

I often dream and, even better, I often remember what I dream. Usually my dreams are so insane that I give a good laugh when I wake up. It seems that I pick the smallest details of my day, mix them well and make great plots of insanity. Today however, I had a very deep and beautiful dream. I don't know if dreams mean something or not. My scientific-oriented brain tells me they are not more than a mix of images captured or created in the brain, but who knows. 

There’s a bear fighting with my friend Telma. The bear is aggressive but it’s not hurting Telma. It is standing on the back paws, roaring and fighting with its arms and claws. As my dream progresses the bear takes the shape of a human being. First still big and aggressive but later on smaller. I observe the scene, at first unable to react, but then as its size decreases I get closer. Now, a lot of people bumps into the bear/human and he ends up in the floor being stepped on. I start shouting at people, telling them how rude they are for not even noticing they are stepping on a being. I help the bear/human up, all dirty, scared and insecure. He thanks me for defending him. Now, it has become a little boy. I stick with him, as I understand that he is fighting some inner fights within himself and he needs help. We go together on a train ride. Now and then, someone goes by and shouts at him. I defend him all the time, until slowly it stops happening. Slowly, he becomes bigger, more like a man, but not a giant. Definitely not aggressive either. When I’m sure he can take care of himself I say goodbye and we part ways. You are ready now, the world is yours, I tell him.

Interpretations accepted!

quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2016

Dreams in the cookie jar #10


When I'm worried/annoyed/irritated with something and I just don't want to think about it anymore I listen to (and if possible dance to) samba music. Samba is a very happy type of music and it never fails to make me feel better. Let's say I like "to samba" my problems away... 

Here is one of my favourite samba songs (it's about the discovery of Brasil in 1500).
Now, make some space in the living room, turn up the volume and samba away with me!

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2016

Dreams in the cookie jar #9

I dream of a world who belongs more to the people who do it better, and less to the people who brag about it better.

Image from the internet

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2016

Dreams in the cookie jar #8

Me seating on a swing, under a grapevine arbor in front of a beautiful lake while eating a fresh peach taken from a nearby tree.

Photo by JonathanPhotos (link here)

Laurie from La La Lane was the inspiration for this one! For her it is just a matter of time until this dream comes true.

quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2016

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2016

Dreams in the cookie jar #4

A perfect weekend.
Friends. Family. Laughing. Sunshine. Good food. Good wine.

Photo from the internet

Replacing the computer with my boyfriend it makes my perfect weekend.

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016

Dreams in the cookie jar #3

Água de coco. Coconut water. Especially after a run in the heat. Or any run. It's the best feeling ever!

Photo from the internet

quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2016

Dreams in the cookie jar #2

Ice cream maker (a good one, to make incredibly creamy ice cream at home).

Photos from the internet

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2016

Dreams in the cookie jar #1

A reading corner.

Photo from the internet

Dreams in the cookie jar

I feel my 2015 had a lot of negativity and although I want to forget that, I also want to keep a small memory of those feelings in the back of my head as a reminder to myself that being positive is actually in my hands. I think a very good way to make ourselves happy is to dream! It might sound cliché but it does work. Whether I dream about that tropical beach, or of having a hot shower when I get home, or of eating the perfect cookie, all those thoughts make me feel better and happier. So I will start a new section on the blog to share some of my dreams with you. The big ones and the small. The reachable and the nearly impossible. It doesn't matter as long as we will all keep dreaming.

What do you dream about?

Photo from the internet